Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Son's avatar

My six year old son, Huston, had a go at setting up his own avatar, which with my help, came out 'just fine'. letting Hue interrupt my study time made me very aware of how this piece of technology could be used to make story writing more interesting for young students who are beginning to put sentences together. Hue was amazed and excited to hear his words coming out of the "Iron Man" avatar that he had just created. Certainly I typed the words in for him, but they are his words as they came out of his mouth (and he even self corrected a few times, because what he initially said did not make sense to him). I think if I were assisting prep to yr3 students with their writing skills, having them hear what they have written, just as they have written it, from a "cool" avatar, then they could decide if what they have written makes sense, and if it needs any editing. I see great potential for the use of these avatars, not just as an interesting addition to a lesson, but as an affective learning tool for children to construct and critique their own English work. Do you see any other learning uses other than the two I have described? Let me know, as you probably come at all of this from a very different view point than me.

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