Thursday, April 8, 2010

First ever blog posting

Wow, I never thought that I would have my own blog, but hey, here we are. it is a strange feeling knowing that I am writing to no one as yet, however hopefully I might be able to contribute some interesting insights through this medium. I will endeavour to add many photos and links to make this site interesting and informative, but for now i need to put my attention back into the rest of the course. I have named this blog site Best Playgrounds Adventure because one of the enjoyable things my wife and I do as we travel is to check out the local public playgrounds, take pictures and more importantly try them out! We have seen some amazing efforts to amuse children through out our travels over the years. If you have any must see suggestions please let me know (attach a photo if you have one). See you round!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tony,
    love your blog colours are fantastic:) Come follow me.. please? Good to see you in blogosphere. Hey.. have to braag but I will, I met the guy who invented blogs at a convention in Amsterdam. Got his card on a dare from my teacher:)
    Come to my blog and look at the pictures.. I think the one about Adam end Eve will make you laugh (with your background in theology and all) I really like this picture. See you at residential, I'll be sure to follow your insights.
    Later and good luck with ELP...
    My blog hate to sound like I'm advertising but you know we all need friends:) HINT HINT
